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First-Year Moms

Fall 2024

6-Session Group Therapy Series

IN PERSON in San Jose, CA

Two group series (same content) to choose from...

starting Mondays in September 2024 OR Tuesdays in October 2024!

Series 1 (Mid-Fall)

Mondays, 11:00am-12:30pm

9/9 - 10/14

Series 2 (Late Fall)

Tuesdays, 11:00am-12:30pm

10/15 - 11/19

Facilitator: Kate Viernes, LCSW

Spots open: 5 members maximum

Children 1 and under are welcome to join!

*COVID Protocol: The decision to require wearing masks or not during the group will be voted upon by those who enroll*

Topics: Scroll down to "About the First-Year Moms Group" for more info
Cost: Varies - Scroll down to "Social Justice-Based Pricing Options" for more info


If you have PPO insurance, you can request a super bill to try to receive reimbursement.*

About the First-Year Moms Group

This group meets in person at an indoor location near the south side of in San Jose, CA. Babies 1 and under welcome to join. COVID protocols will be in place, but masking will not be required. Come find community in your first year of motherhood (or first year of your youngest child) and get support on:

Week 1: Building community & shared definitions—grounding ourselves in our values

Week 2: Unpacking mom anxiety—(un)learning which anxious burdens to leave behind
Week 3: Navigating “mom guilt"—getting to know our all "parts" of being a mom
Week 4: Understanding and regulating anger—decolonizing postpartum rage
Week 5: Normalizing when new mothers mourn past lives—holding space for mom grief

Week 6: Returning to self-/community-compassion—humanizing when we & others misstep  
Bonus/Optional Week 7: Making space for mom joy!


Social Justice-Based Pricing Options


The creation of these pricing options are based on Wendy R. William’s exercise on class privilege and greatly inspired by Nat Vikitsreth, who mindfully created a tiered pricing option for her signature decolonizing parenting program. As Nat says: “These tiers are simply a suggestion, not a hard-n’-fast rule."

You will have the choice of paying in full upon registration or paying half up front and the other half midway through the series.

Courageous Mama: $400 for 6 group sessions (or two payments of $200)

It is suggested you choose this rate if most of these characteristics apply to (but don’t define) you:

  • Have faced housing instability, immigration & incarceration barriers, unemployment, underemployment, or challenges towards gaining a high school diploma.

  • Have debt or financial stress that frequently prevents you from meeting your and your family’s basic needs. 

  • Receive public assistance benefits (i.e., CalFresh, CalWorks)

  • Have very limited access to disposable income and savings.

Connected Mama: $330 for 6 group sessions (or two payments of $165)

It is suggested you choose this rate if most of these characteristics apply to (but don’t define) you:

  • Rent your home, have completed high school and some high education, have access to healthcare and employment.

  • Have citizenship or documentation of your permanent residence in your country.

  • Have debt or financial stress but it often doesn’t prevent you from meeting your and your family’s basic needs. 

  • Have some access to disposable income and savings.

  • Are financially responsible for multiple generations of family members/relatives (e.g., aging parents as well as child/children and yourself).

  • If faced with unemployment/underemployment, your family has enough of a buffer so that you would not need to rush to find employment.

Curious Mama: $250 for 6 group sessions (or two payments of $125)

It is suggested you choose this rate if most of these characteristics apply to (but don’t define) you:

  • Own your home, hold a college degree or higher, have access to healthcare and employment.

  • Have citizenship or documentation of your permanent residence in your country.

  • Can meet your and your family’s basic needs comfortably and can take time off work without much financial burden.

  • Have access to disposable income, savings, investment, and retirement accounts.


Creative Mama: Create your own rate

If you are ready and committed to your decolonizing parent journey, and none of the above feels quite right, we have a couple of spots allowing you the freedom to choose the dollar amount that feels fair for YOU in this moment in time.

To utilize this option, email to introduce yourself and state the fee you can cover. On your registration form, select the option “Creative Mama.” The rest of the registration process remains the same.

Interested but need more info
before you commit?

We totally get it! Because we want to make sure our group is a good fit for you (and vice versa) before you make the jump, we encourage you to schedule a free 15-minute video or in-person consultation session with the facilitator before filling out the registration form.

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