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Session discussions are structured around participants’ needs and peer/community support, and facilitated by Kate Viernes, LCSW #80753. This is a peer-support group, not group therapy. In response to winter viruses and our desire to keep the community safe, masking of adults is required. Our group seeks to answer questions such as: What IS a Filipinx mom? What are the challenges we face as Filipinx moms? How can being Filipinx inform our healing as new moms as well as the healing of our children, ancestors, and community? Am I really as alone as I feel?? (spoiler alert: you’re not, sis!) Babies and children are welcome to join.
Interpreting Ina:
A Peer Support Group For....
All mothers who identify as
Filipina/o/x, of Filipina/o/x descent, and/or
belonging to the Filipina/o/x diaspora
Filipinx mothers in any stage and form: pregnant, postpartum, adoptive, toddler moms, moms of school-age children, single [by choice] moms, partnered moms, moms with disabilities, etc.
LBGTQA+ Filipinx mothers and Filipinx mothers of any and all genders
Immigrants and U.S.-born Filipinx mothers (due to facilitator's language, the group is conducted in English)
Those who are interested in decolonizing motherhood (which includes figuring out what that even means!)
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